Let’s Be Real

Let’s talk about real life. Let's please talk about death and how it rips something from you. Rips it and never gives it back so that you are empty and broken for a long, long time. But you're not allowed to say a word. Instead, you are relegated to the corners of a support group... Continue Reading →

Things I’d tell my Daughter

Dear child In this life you will learn that love is sometimes synonymous with destruction. That strangely, your breaking down will lead to knowing yourself deeper. Not by choice. You will learn that the rebuilding will expose you to a deep, underground part of the world where poetry is spoken and hearts bleed and people... Continue Reading →


He saw me and I froze. I wanted him to see the iciness in my eyes. Wanted him to feel the cold burn of hatred. I wanted him to be enveloped by the liquid blackness. To let it cover him like a blanket and drag us both down. To Getherness To fucking feel the same.

Like a Gypsy

She'd read of poetic love. Perfect matches. Twin souls. But it was like a foreign language. All she knew were starry nights, paper-thin strangers and broken hearts. But she also knew the other side of sunlight. The golden brown shards it threw on the dirt. She knew the tales of birds and of people long... Continue Reading →


I’ve been lost in beauty I’ve been lost in grief I’ve been lost in the folds of my own petals And in the folds of others' clothes...eyes... and Hands I have felt their touch Though temporary & fleeting But I’ve felt the current of life Warm and searing bright. Though I still lurch Though I... Continue Reading →

Who taught you

Who taught you to fear nature? To fear the darkness that comes with cricket sounds To fear time and space and the white abyss Who taught you to fear pain And experience and death? What disturbs you about curiosity Why are you afraid to doubt? Who taught you that you must be anything other than... Continue Reading →


Two souls into one Thats the meeting of your body on mine I see your shoulders So unique I feel the air you breathe Its your chest, your back... it makes me feel My chest and my back Skin to skin Soul dance, spirits sing Its the music of our form Clay shapes on clay... Continue Reading →

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